to DYI/self-publishing authors
Briar's books is based in Lower Hutt, Wellington, but helps writers all round the country and overseas self-publish their books. 022 187 1182
About Briar's BooksSelf-publishing authors (often known as DIY publishers) are writers who choose not to use larger traditional publishing houses but "do it themselves." There are advantages to DIY-publishing and more and more people are doing it.
Pros and Cons of self-publishingYou need to know what to do and what not to do. Here is a helpful guide.
Tips to help youMany people want to put their book on Kindle - or other digital bookstores - so it can be read digitally as well as in print.
More about e-booksFor over 20 years Briar's Books has helped self-publishing authors - both in New Zealand and overseas - get their books ready for printing. Many genres: fantasy, counselling, educational, fiction, children's books, poetry, genealogies, science, sociology, theology. Usually authors are very pleased with results. ( If you google <briars books lower hutt> you will be able to read client reviews.
Look at samples on this websiteThe designer's costs depend on the amount of work that is needed to produce a quality book. Printer's costs reflect numbers of pages, size of the print run and other variables. Marketing is up to you
More about costs and marketing